Saturday, May 21, 2011

Geography Quiz Time!!!

Here, just for fun and for furthering your  'eddicashun' is a geography quiz I put together. See which ones you knew and use a globe and an atlas for the rest. Avoid using the computer, that makes it too easy. The answers will be revealed in a few days.  If you want this in a pdf format to use for your homeschool send me a feedback with your e-mail address.  I have altogether 5 quizzes. I will pass on the pdf files after all quizzes have been published.

Weekly Geography Fun Quiz #1

1. The Orinoco is a river in which northern South American country?
2. Asuncion is the capital of which central South American country?
3. Is Guatemala a South American country?
4. Where would you look for the Rio Grande?
5. Which are the greater Antilles?
6. Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of which southeast Asian Country?
7. Where would you be if you sailed along the Strait of Malacca?

Teach your children geography. We live in a global community and yet, many adults don't even know where to find Iraq or Afghanistan on a globe.

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