We finished Missy's curriculum in early January and then went on revising. And we revised and then revised some more. ad nauseam...Now what? I grabbed other non-text books of the shelves and we are working on those. We are currently learning in detail about our planet and our most precious resource ... Fresh Water. We have moved into early medieval history (dark ages) in our early history studies and Missy decided to learn more about DaVinci. Of course he is further ahead in our medieval studies but so what... Now I am trying to find out which mathematics curriculum to get next. In regards to science I found the 5th grade book on Science from Foresman Pearson online. It's the same publisher she has used for the past several years and we like it. We are, however, augmenting it since I feel that it is much too basic and could stand more detail and specifics. My dd is technically a fourth grader but ahead of the curve. We do more 5-7 grade stuff as a rule. We are strictly secular and non-theist.
- So here is what I still need :
- Early American History and Revolution
- Geography
- Civics/Social Studies (more Civics)
- Math (I heard that Singapore math is great - any other recommendations?)
- English Grammar
- English Comprehension
- I wonder if anyone ever tried the 'Lord of the Rings' lessons (here are link ONE and TWO
- I am covered on the science front.
English Comprehension is a challenge. She gets bored with the 'Open Court' reader and I can't blame her. She is an avid reader and reads a lot of stuff from our local library's young adult section. Any one have any tips?
BearBear is still easier to please but then he is only 4½ years old. some math and reading, some science, plenty of legos, toy cars and pretend play.... I love that age!!!!!
Any feedback at all is appreciated.